Woman reading a book with a cup in her hand

Have you ever found yourself so caught up in pursuing success that you neglect your well-being? I only focused on work when I started my career 30 years ago. Work assignments consumed nights, weekends, and holidays.  Looking back, I often saw self-care as a luxury rather than a necessity.

No more.

What if I told you that prioritizing self-care could improve your mental wellness and overall quality of life? In this post, we’ll explore the dangers of neglecting self-care, the benefits of prioritizing it, and provide actionable steps to make it a daily habit. Let’s dive in and learn how to prioritize your mental well-being.


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The dangers of neglecting yourself


Neglecting self-care can have severe consequences on your mental and physical health. When you prioritize work or other responsibilities over your well-being, you can experience burnout, increased stress, and even physical illness. 


In extreme cases, neglecting mental well-being can lead to anxiety disorders and depression. It didn’t take me long to recognize the dangers of my behavior and take action to prioritize self-care in my daily routine. 


Doing so can improve your overall quality of life and prevent these adverse outcomes. Let’s explore the benefits of prioritizing self-care and how to make it a habit in your daily life.


The benefits of prioritizing self-care


Prioritizing self-care may seem like a luxury, but it’s a necessary investment in your overall well-being. By prioritizing mental well-being, I experienced various benefits that positively impacted my mental, emotional, and physical health. 


For starters, I felt less stressed and more energized, allowing me to tackle challenges with a clear mind and stronger resilience. Additionally, prioritizing self-care helped me get a better night’s sleep, improved my immune function, and increased my productivity, all contributing to a happier and more fulfilling life. 


According to the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, self-care has several benefits.  Some of these include enhanced self-confidence (64%), increased productivity (67%), and happiness (71%). 


Finally, I learned that by taking care of myself first, I was better equipped to handle the demands of daily life and enjoy the moments that matter most.


Bottom line: Creating a self-care plan helped me make self-care a habit.


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Creating a plan that works for you


To truly make self-care a priority, it’s important to create a plan that works for you. This personal plan should consider the specific activities and practices that promote your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. The key is to make it a habit, not just a once-in-a-while indulgence. 


Start by identifying activities that make you feel good. For me, this includes working out, journaling, reading, and spending time with loved ones. Once I identified my go-to practices, I scheduled them into my calendar with any other appointments. I treat them as non-negotiable time slots that I don’t cancel or reschedule. 



In addition to your go-to self-care practices, having a list of minor activities you can squeeze into your day can be helpful. These include taking a quick walk, listening to your favorite music, or indulging in a favorite snack. By having various options, you can incorporate self-care into your daily routine in a way that works for you.


Creating a  plan that works for you takes some trial and error. Be patient with yourself, and remember that it’s okay to adjust your plan as needed. The key is to make it a habit that feels natural and essential to your overall well-being. 


Incorporating self-care into your daily routine doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. In the next section, we’ll explore simple ways to make self-care a part of your everyday life.


Incorporating self-care into your daily routine


Creating a self-care plan is a great start, but it’s important to incorporate it into your daily routine to see and feel the benefits. By making self-care a habit, you’ll be able to provide yourself with the care and attention you need to thrive.


A straightforward way to incorporate self-care into your daily routine is to start your day with a few moments of silence and solitude. I like starting my day by reading, journaling, or taking deep breaths.  Also, I like to pray and connect with God to set intentions for the day, which makes a big difference in how I approach the rest of my day.


Another way to prioritize it throughout the day is to schedule breaks and time for yourself. Getting caught up in work or other obligations can be easy, but taking regular breaks to stretch, walk, or even take a few minutes to breathe can help you recharge and refocus.


Incorporating self-care into your daily routine can also mean setting boundaries and saying no when necessary. It’s important to remember that focusing on your mental well-being isn’t selfish and that taking care of yourself is essential to show up fully for others. By setting boundaries and prioritizing your needs, you’ll be better equipped to handle the demands of daily life.


Remember, incorporating self-care into your daily routine doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. By starting small and finding what works for you, you can make self-care a natural and essential part of your life.


Prioritize mental well-being. Be sure to start taking care of yourself before you’re burnt out. Neglecting our mental well-being can have dangerous consequences for us and those around us. By making self-care a daily habit, we can benefit from improved mental wellness and overall quality of life. Take action today by creating a personalized self-care plan and incorporating it into your daily routine.




Karen Brown Tyson is the CEO and Founder of Constant Communicators, a freelance public relations and content writing and editing business. Brown Tyson is an accredited public relations professional (APR) with over 28 years of experience in public relations and corporate communications. In addition, she is an award-winning author, a Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt editor, speaker, and writing coach.

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