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How to Boost Your Attitude to Write Every Day

Blue desk with coffee and notebooks How to Boost Your Attitude to Write Everyday

How to Boost Your Attitude to Write EverydayUpdated October 2021

If you’re looking to boost your attitude so you can write every day, then you’ve come to the right place.

The life of a writer can be challenging. Whether you work as a full- or part-time writer, it’s sometimes hard to muster up the courage, strength, and discipline to write every day.

And if all of that is not enough, most writers deal with invisible obstacles like doubt, fear, or negative thoughts.

If this is you, I know how you feel. But these obstacles, especially negative thoughts, are such a waste of time and energy. And let’s be honest, ain’t nobody got time for that.

I adopted the thing as part of my daily writing routine to boost my attitude to write every day: focus on the big picture.

I changed my focus from negative self-talk to the big picture goals I outlined for myself as a writer to boost my attitude. First, I revisit my vision board to see what I outlined for the year. Then, I focus on new ideas that help me write the story I want to tell.

So what steps do I take to focus so I can boost my attitude? In this post, I outline seven steps I take to boost my attitude for writing.

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Here are 7 tips on how to boost your attitude to write every day  


Tip #1 Sleep

I realize for some people, getting a good night’s sleep is easier said than done. But, for me, all I needed was to make a few adjustments in my bedtime routine.

First, I try to go to bed at the same time every night, Sunday through Thursday (I stay up a little later on Fridays).

Second, I downloaded Calm, a relaxation app, which offers soothing music and bedtime stories to help me sleep.

Finally, I bought the Moonbow Bedphones, wireless sleep headphones that allow me to lay on my side without feeling the pain of an earbud in my ear.



How to boost your attitude to write every day
Moonbow Bedphones

Tip #2 – Eating

Another crucial area that offers me an attitude adjustment is what I eat.  Since adopting a Pescatarian diet six years ago, I feel much better. In addition, eating more fruits and vegetables has helped a lot.

But, full confession, I’m in love with sugar.  So I decided to watch Dr. Mark Hyman, who offers excellent advice in his books, Food: What the Heck Should I Eat? and Food: What the Heck Should I Cook?

As a result, reducing my sugar intake gives me more energy throughout the day to get more writing done.


Tip #3 – Physical activity

Even if I only have 30 minutes, I like to include a workout as part of my morning routine.  Research shows exercise improves body image, self-esteem, and mental health. So after being inside writing for a long time, I go for a walk. The walk gives me a boost of energy and helps me reflect on my day or stir up ideas about my latest projects.

How to boost your attitude to write every day


Tip #4 – Keep an idea notebook

How to boost your attitude to write every day

Since I come up with ideas all day, I love keeping an idea notebook.  It’s an excellent way for me to get my thoughts out of my head and on paper.  I used to write my ideas everywhere – Post-it Notes, sheets of paper, and the back of napkins.  Using a notebook helps me organize my thoughts. Any notebook will do the trick.  This Bright Ideas Journal is full of color, but Kraft Paper Notebooks work just as well.


Tip #5 – Connect with other creatives

In addition to client meetings and coaching sessions, I love meeting with other creatives. The life of the solopreneur can be lonely. Meeting with other creatives – either in person or online – inspires me and helps me return to my writing projects with fresh ideas. A few weeks ago, I joined ProBlogger’s FREE 7-Day Content Sprint Course.  It was great meeting Problogger Darren Rouse and other creatives each night for seven days. Not only was Darren gracious enough to share his knowledge about writing blog posts, but it was great to see comments from other bloggers. I came away from those sessions inspired and ready to write new content.


Tip #6 – Make time for play dates

Throughout my career in public relations and corporate communications, there have always been deadlines. Some days were more demanding than others. The same is still true now that I run my own business. I learned the hard way that all work and no play make me unfocused and uncreative. Sometimes giving my writing a boost means going for a bike ride or playing a game with family and friends.

Tip #7 – Unplug by not doing any writing

Sometimes the best thing I can do for my writing is to take a break from writing. On the days that I unplug, I don’t write or work. My laptop is off, and I move work out of my mind. The break allows me to rest and return to my writing refreshed.


For some, writing every day comes easily. But for me, I can remember days of not being in the mood to write.

In those moments, I readjust my mindset to focus on the big picture. I quickly ask myself, ‘Why am I writing? What’s the result of my work as a writer?’

Does it take effort? Yes. But it is so worth it.

How do you boost your attitude to write?  Let me know in the comments.

If you found this post helpful, please share it with others.  Thanks!


How to Boost Your Attitude to Write Every Day

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