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How One Young Author Used Her Voice Like a ‘Big Boss’

How one young author used her voice like a 'Big Boss'

How one young author used her voice like a 'Big Boss'


In recent weeks, I felt it was important to focus on capturing our thoughtssurvivalfollowing our dreams, and how to write a book when you feel like quitting. Today, I am happy to present one young author who used her voice like a ‘big boss’.  Haelee Moone is the author of The Rules of a Big Boss: A Book of Self-Love. Haelee talks about what it means to be a big boss and the importance of self-love. This amazing young author is 12 years old.  Please share your thoughts in the comments. Enjoy!

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Hello Haelee! Congratulations on your new book. What is your book, The Rules of a Big Boss, about, and why did you decide to write it? 

The Rules of a Big Boss is my personal self-help book. It’s also for young ladies and adolescents like me. A big boss is someone who loves, takes care of, and is true to themselves. Anyone can be a big boss. The book covers topics like finding yourself, respect, and confidence. The book has exercises to help readers reflect, journal, and feel empowered.

I found myself inspired to write this book because I have always had an overwhelming desire to help others. I specifically like helping people with their self-esteem. 


[bctt tweet=”Start writing your beginning, good luck in your ending, be inspired, and be your own Big Boss. Haelee Moone” username=”KBTWrites”]


When did you find time to write? Tell us about your writing process and how you went about putting the book together?  

I had a lot of free time on my hands with everything being shut down due to COVID-19, so I used that free time to write. To get started, I searched for templates in Microsoft Word I could use as a model for the book. Next, I had to learn about distribution rights, copyrights, citing sources, royalties, and marketing for the book. Before I published the book, I had to choose a book cover design, size, sales price, and decide on a distributor. Finally, my dad helped me set up social media accounts and record a promo video for the book. 

How one young author used her voice like a Big Boss

What made you decide to self-publish rather than looking for a traditional publishing house? What else can we expect from you?

I gave my rough draft to my dad, and he said, “Oh my God, Haelee, this is entirely too good not to share.” He asked me if I wanted to publish it. I smiled and said, ‘Yeeeaaaahhh.’ With my dad working as my editor, we published the book together. We looked into both self-publishing and traditional publishing. We decided to go with the self-publishing because it was easier and allowed me to have total creative control. 

I decided to create a Rules of a Big Boss clothing and accessory line as an extension of the book. My dad had an artist design a logo for me, which allows me to become a brand

I like the idea of my supporters and me sharing the message of self-love beyond the book.

How one young author used her voice like a Big BossWhat has this experience taught you?

By setting, meeting, and exceeding my goals, I’ve been able to taste success early. This has inspired me to strive for more while also teaching me the power of entrepreneurship. 

I learn something new every day. I plan to release the second book of the ‘Big Boss’ series in 2021. In the interim, you can pick up a copy of my book on Amazon


Where can people find you online?

You can find me online here:

My website:  https://www.thebookofselflove.com/

Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/thebookofselflove2020

Instagram at https://instagram.com/thebookofselflove2020?igshid=2bvfsqhoy40p,

Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/authorrulesofabigbossbook.


How one young author used her voice like a 'Big Boss'

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