30 Ways to Help You Reset Your Creative Time, Mind and Soul

Published by Karen on

Female with book on her lap 30 Ways to Help You Reset Your Creative Time, Mind and SoulSince starting my business in 2018, I have been going nonstop. My days have been filled with client meetings, freelance assignments, speaking engagements, writing books, teaching classes, and community service. I’m grateful for everything God leads me to do. My public relations, corporate, and marketing communications background has helped me develop creative ways to grow my business. But lately, it seemed like my beautiful, creative life was moving into overdrive.  By the time I reached August 2021, my creative time, mind, and soul were running on fumes.


As someone all about continuous improvement, I decided to use some of my Lean Six Sigma training. From my days in corporate America, I learned to use Lean Six Sigma to make things better. So, how was I going to improve my creative time, mind, and soul? I decided to hit the reset button (one of my favorite things to do).


While I was on a business retreat, I challenged myself to do one of three things: 1) Keep the habits I know work for me, 2) Return to the habits I stopped doing, or 3) try some new things for 30 days. This process helped me reset my creative time, mind, and soul while helping me find new sanity-saving routines.


Since I strongly believe in Hebrews 10:24:


We should think about each other to see how we can encourage each other to show love and do good works.


I thought I would share some of the ideas I came up with for myself and add a few to give you  30 ways to reset your creative time, mind, and soul, too. My prayer is that these ideas will inspire you to add something different to your creative life.


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Ways to Reset Your Creative Mind

Notebook on a desk


Adjust your thinking every day.

The way you think can affect many things in your life, including how you work. For example, holding onto negative thoughts or replaying bad memories can put a damper on your mindset. So at the start of each day, adjust your thinking to focus on positive thoughts.


Read 5 pages each day.

Reading 5 pages a day is a great way to relax. But remember…if you don’t like to read, try audiobooks!


Exercise your brain.

Give your brain a break from work.  Exercise your brain by learning a new language, playing games, and taking a cooking class.


Take a walk.

Going for a walk isn’t just good for the body; it’s also great for the mind. It can help improve your mood and let you clear your head at night after a stressful day.


Allow yourself to make changes in your day.

When you feel like something is off with your day, take a moment to reflect on what that might be. Then, whatever it is, permit yourself to change things up.


Schedule regular “me-time” moments.

You deserve to take a break from your hectic schedule. So make sure you have the time to relax and unwind every day.



Keep a self-care journal.

It’s important to make sure you’re taking care of yourself. I recommend keeping a journal and writing down your feelings regularly. This will help you feel better and think more clearly throughout the day.


Schedule regular breaks to unplug.

It’s important to schedule regular breaks throughout your workday to help you stay focused. 


Close your eyes for 30 seconds.

​​You should close your eyes for about thirty seconds. It’s an easy way to relax and reduce stress.


Step away from social media one day per week.

I recommend that you give yourself a break from social media every once in a while. I do it once a week, and it really helps me stay focused.


Ways to Reset Your Creative Soul

Female wrapped in cozy blanket with a mug in hand and a book


Schedule moments of silence and solitude.

One technique I use to keep balanced is creating moments of silence and solitude. Taking time out every day for focused reflection helps reduce stress, making me more productive.


Meditate on Scripture.

Scripture meditation is an excellent way to quiet your mind and rest in the presence of God.


Surround yourself with positive affirmations.

I think the best way to achieve your goals is by surrounding yourself with positive affirmations. That’s why I created a list of my own, and I hang it on my wall so that they’re always in front of me.


Find a way to encourage someone daily.

One of the best ways to nurture your creative soul is by encouraging others. So keep an eye out for opportunities to pat others on the back or make someone smile!


Help someone in need.

Consider volunteering. Not only will you be helping someone in need, but you could also make a new friend and improve your community.


Create a wind-down routine.

It’s important to set aside time each day to decompress from work. Even if you only have a few minutes, it can make a big difference in your mental health and well-being. Try doing something you enjoy, like taking a hot bath, listening to music, or reading a book.


Warm yourself with a cup of tea.

A nice cup of tea is always soothing. If you find yourself feeling stressed, try some chamomile flowers or mint leaves for a calming effect.


Record your thoughts in a gratitude journal.

Keeping a gratitude journal is important because it will help you appreciate the little things in life.


Remove clutter from your work and living spaces.

​​Clutter can make even the most organized person feel disorganized. Not only does it take up your space, but it could also be a distraction! However, cleaning your home and workspace is a great way to feel refreshed. You can start by purging the items you don’t need and then organize what’s left.


Dream BIG!

The best way to take care of your creative soul is by dreaming big. Make time in your day to think of all the possibilities that are out there for you.  If you need an inspiring book, consider Bob Goff’s book, Dream Big: Know What You Want, Why You Want It, and What You’re Going to Do About It.

Ways to Reset Your Creative Time

Desk with calculator, pencils and paper clips


Work on your most creative and fulfilling projects when your energy level is high.

I am a morning person. I wake up every day around 4 a.m. to begin my day. My problem is that I have been trying to work all day and half the night. As you can imagine, I start to lose steam by 7 or 8 p.m. So instead of spreading my creative projects over the day, I set aside a certain amount of hours each morning. I’m using my afternoons for non-creative tasks, meetings, and emails.


Focus on 3 daily goals instead of monthly goals.

Although I have a planner that outlines my monthly goals, I’ve been using daily goals to make it through each day. Using a combination of notebooks and Post-It Notes, I write out my 3 most important daily goals each morning.  


Build a habit of single-tasking

In my attempt to do as much in a day as possible, I fell into the trap of multitasking. Instead of getting more done, it only left me feeling overwhelmed. So, using my PomoDone App, I switched to single-tasking by focusing on one task at a time.


Adopt the time-blocking method

Time blocking is a technique used to plan out every moment of your day in advance and dedicate specific time blocks for certain tasks or responsibilities. Once I started time blocking, I felt more control over my time and the tasks I needed to complete.


Batch email time

Nothing kills your creative time like email. Don’t get me wrong; I love email. But when I found myself reading every email as it popped into my inbox, I knew I had a problem. So, I decided to schedule the times when I would read and respond to my emails. Then, outside of my scheduled time, I turned my email off to avoid interruptions.


Start a creativity journal.

The best way to ensure that you stay inspired and creative is by journaling. The process of writing ideas down will help you keep track of the concepts, and it allows for reflection, which can serve as inspiration in future challenges.


Switch up your work environment.

To focus better, don’t be afraid to move to a different work environment. Clear out distractions like clutter and use sounds, light, plants to help guide your attention in the right direction.


Don’t let productivity kill your creativity.

Productivity is vital in any business, but don’t let that stand in your way of being creative. If a cluttered desk or work table helps you think and works for you, don’t feel the need to change. Instead, focus on surrounding yourself with the things you need to keep your creative juices flowing.  


Make time to daydream.

I can remember when people would say, Get your head out of the clouds! While this statement was meant to stop people from daydreaming, the clouds may be the perfect place for creative entrepreneurs—schedule time to daydream or brainstorm new ideas or products.  


Test your ideas.

As your ideas move from daydreams to actual products, make time to test your ideas. With each test, you will be inspired to make changes and keep moving forward.


How have you reset your creative mind, soul, and time?


Female with book on her lap 30 Ways to Help You Reset Your Creative Time, Mind and Soul



Karen Brown Tyson is the CEO and Founder of Constant Communicators, a freelance public relations and content writing and editing business. Brown Tyson is an accredited public relations professional (APR) with over 28 years of experience in public relations and corporate communications. In addition, she is an award-winning author, a Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt editor, speaker, and writing coach.

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